Alpine Linux with efistub and encryption

The Linux kernel can be booted directly by the UEFI firmware, making a traditional bootloader like GRUB not necessary in many cases.

In this post, we’re going to set up an Alpine Linux system that uses both efistub and LVM on LUKS.

To begin, I assume you’ve already booted into an Alpine Linux live system via a USB flash drive, CD, or otherwise.

Modifying the Alpine installer

By default, Alpine deploys a typical bootloader, but we can set a variable in the install script to skip installing a bootloader and then chroot into the new system to configure efistub.

Open the /sbin/setup-disk script in a text editor such as vi and add BOOTLOADER="none" like so:


After this, save the file and continue installing Alpine Linux as you normally would, with the setup-alpine command. Be sure to configure the disk with encryption and LVM.

Mounting partitions

After installing, we need to mount the root partition to /mnt so that we can chroot into it before first boot.

On the live Alpine system, I’m going to install lsblk to get a list of disks and partitions with apk add lsblk. After this, run lsblk to see a list of disks and partitions, in my case:

lsblk output image

We need to unlock our new encrypted partition, to do so run cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/vda2 cryptroot, replacing /dev/vda2 with your drives encrypted partition and cryptroot with what you would like to name it, and then enter your encryption passphrase.

Next, run vgchange -ay to activate logical volumes. Then, after running lsblk again, we can see our logical volumes containing the root and swap:

lsblk output image

We now need to mount our lv_root to /mnt. To do so, run mount /dev/mapper/vg0-lv_root /mnt. We also need to mount our boot partition, mount /dev/vda1 /mnt/boot in my case.

There are a few more directories that should be mounted before we do anything, condensed into a one-line command:

for dir in dev proc sys run; do mkdir -p /mnt/$dir ; mount --rbind /$dir /mnt/$dir ; mount --make-rslave /mnt/$dir ; done

After that, we can chroot into our new system with chroot /mnt and begin setting up efistub.

Creating the efistub boot entry

For this, we’re going to need our encrypted partitions UUID to create a robust boot entry.

One way of accomplishing this is running blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/vda2 and noting down its output. Do change the /dev/vda2 part of this command according to your setup.

To create the efistub boot entry, we will create a script to generate it for us.

First, we need to install the efibootmgr package. Run apk add efibootmgr.

Then, change directories with cd /root, and then vi to begin creating this script. Do feel free to replace vi with another text editor if you prefer.

Contents of the script:


params="cryptroot=UUID=<UUID> cryptdm=cryptroot \
    root=/dev/mapper/vg0-lv_root rootfstype=ext4 rw \
    initrd=\intel-ucode.img \

efibootmgr --create --label "Alpine Linux" \
    --disk /dev/vda --part 1 \
    --loader /vmlinuz-lts \
    --unicode "${params}" \

params is our list of kernel parameters, while the efibootmgr command is what creates our boot entry.

Replace <uuid> in the cryptroot=UUID=<uuid> line with the UUID of the partition we got earlier from the blkid command.

Replace cryptroot in the cryptdm=cryptroot line with what you would like to name this. I used cryptroot earlier when we opened our LUKS partition, and I will go with that again here.

Change initrd=\intel-ucode.img according to what kind of CPU you have, if you would like. You may also remove this line.

Change --disk /dev/vda according to your setup, pointing at the disk that contains our /boot partition and our LUKS encrypted partition.

If you are using another filesystem, such as xfs, be sure to change rootfstype=ext4 accordingly, such as to rootfstype=xfs.

Once finished creating the script, save the file. We need to mark the script as executable by running chmod +x, and then we can execute it with ./

Now, if we run efibootmgr, we should see a new boot entry with the label defined in our script, Alpine Linux.


To exit the chroot, run exit. We can now reboot the system with reboot now, be sure to remove any live media so you don’t boot into the wrong system.

If all went well, our system should begin booting (with a lot of noise) and prompt us for our encryption passphrase:

password prompt image

After entering the encryption passphrase, we should be booted into the new Alpine system.

If you would like to quiet down the logs during boot, we can add the loglevel=4 kernel parameter to our script at /root/, adding another backslash after the previous parameter:

password prompt image

And then creating another boot entry.

Before executing the script again, remove the old boot entry with efibootmgr -b 0004 -B, replacing 0004 with the number of the old boot entry. The current boot entries can once again be listed by running efibootmgr.

Then, execute the script again with ./

After rebooting, we can see that the output is much quieter:

password prompt image

That’s it!